
Building a Sustainable Business Requires More Than Just an Effective Business Sustainability Plan

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Written by Andrew Collins

An important key to building a sustainable business lies in a solid foundation that is built upon tried-and-proven methods. Keeping track of market trends. Identifying and overcoming obstacles to success. One key to building a sustainable business lies in keeping an eye on the ever-changing dynamics of the business. Going for the jugular. If you fail to keep an eye on the market trends, your business will most likely crash and burn.

Building a sustainable business model means adhering to principles that protect both the present and future generations. Following policies that help the environment. It is also important to look at the long-term impact of those same policies on the environment, as well as on your employees, your finances and your employees’ families. You must, therefore, be keenly aware of any and all environmental impacts of your business and implement policies that effectively protect and enhance the long-term health of present and future generations.

Building a sustainable business also means adhering to principles that promote equity. A major step towards this objective is ensuring that all employees benefit from the venture. This can be done by ensuring that all employees share in the profits. All employees must, therefore, have a direct stake in the company’s continued success. In addition, ensure that social benefits are also available to all employees through a company-wide philanthropic program.

Another key to building a sustainable business model is taking care of the local environment. This can be achieved by using readily renewable and/or clean energy. Using or harvesting renewable energy reduces the company’s carbon footprint. Recycling and reusing any waste is another key to building a sustainable business model. A popular method of recycling is turning waste into products such as mulch, wood chips, and garden scrap.

Finally, in implementing a sustainable workforce, ensure that your company has a policy on gender equality and promotes fair employment practices. The most effective sustainability policies provide for equal opportunity for all employees regardless of gender, race, religion, disability, and status, and place a high importance on fair treatment and workplace safety. Also, remember that a successful sustainable business model requires one person to take personal responsibility for its overall health and well being. All decisions and actions should be taken according to the precautionary principle of avoiding unnecessary risk.

Building a sustainable economy demands more than just technical solutions and proper implementation of an effective business sustainability plan. You must, therefore, make sure that you set the example for your employees. Show them what it means to build a healthy and successful business.

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About the author

Andrew Collins

Finance and Business News Blogger and father of 3, husband, dog walker and fisherman. Love connecting with new people.

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